Rusk County Jail


 Bond Payments

Effective 5/1/2016, any person paying a bond at the Rusk County Jail on a charge from any agency shall be required to pay a non-refundable bond processing service fee of $10 per bond.  This $10 bond processing service fee is in additional to the bond amount.   example:  If a single bond amount owed is $500, you will have to pay a total of $510 to post that bond ($500 bond + $10 bond processing fee)

Bond payments can be made in the following ways:

  • Stellar Teller machine in the lobby of the Rusk County Jail (accepts cash, debit/credit card)
  • GovPayNet (debit/credit card, use PLC #1559 for bond payments)

 Booking Fee

Effective 1/1/2018.  Per Rusk County Board Resolution #17-31, the jail may charge a fee to recoup the costs associated with booking a person sentenced to the Rusk County Jail.  This fee amount will be $20.

 Canteen/Commissary for Inmates

  • Stellar Teller Kiosk in jail lobby (takes cash or debit/credit cards, transaction fees apply)
  • (takes debit/credit card & transaction fees apply; must set up an online account with your valid email address)
  • (takes debit/credit card; transaction fees apply)

 Court-Ordered Testing

PBT (Preliminary Breath Tests) effective 5/1/2016

  • Rusk County court-ordered PBTs are $5 per test & must be paid in advance
  • Any other agency/county court-ordered PBTs are $10 per test & must be paid in advance

UAs (Urine Analysis) effective 1/1/2018

  • Rusk County court-ordered UAs are $5 per test & must be paid in advance

  • Any other agency/county court-ordered UAs are $10 per test & must be paid in advance