Wildlife Damage Program
If you have damage to:
- agricultural crops
- orchards
- nursery stock
- livestock
- beehives
Caused by:
- deer
- bear
- Canada geese
- wild turkeys
The Wildlife Damage Abatement and Claims Program can:
- Help you prevent or lessen additional damage (abatement)
- Provide payments for damage that has already occurred (claims)
- Must be the landowner or operator
- Enrollment in the program
- Notify the Animal Damage Specialist within 14 days of the beginning of eligible damage in order to be eligible for claims payment
- In other words, fields and other potential damage areas should be checked on a regular basis
- The 14 day requirement does not apply to abatement assistance (practices designed to lessen or prevent damage)
- Notify the Animal Damage Specialist at least 10 days prior to harvesting enrolled fields so that the fields can be inspected
- Follow abatement measures that are prescribed by the Animal Damage Specialist
- Practices such as fencing, scare devices, repellents, and shooting permits.
- The measures used are dependent on the situation
- Must have control of hunting access to owned and leased contiguous properties (except for beehives)
- Follow the minimum hunting requirement for all enrolled properties
Two hunting options:
- Open Public Hunting
- Hunting access is unrestricted
- Hunters are required to notify the enrollee of their intent to hunt
- Managed Hunting Access
- Land suitable for hunting will be determined by the Animal Damage Specialist
- Must allow at least two hunters at any given time per forty acres of suitable hunting land
- Hunters must register
- Enrollee must keep a log
- Most enrollees used the Managed Hunting Access option
May not charge a fee in either option.
Regular hunting seasons and regulations apply.
Hunting under animal damage shooting permits:
- This is separate from the regular hunting requirement and options noted above and is regulated separately
- Eligibility for claims payments is dependent on meeting certain permit program requirements:
- Adhere to the hunting access requirement
- Harvest a certain percentage of their prescribed quota by specific date
- Make sure all participating hunters wear blaze orange
- Damage abatement practices are paid on a 75/25 (county/enrollee) cost-share basis
- The standard deductible on claims is $500
Additional rules and regulations may apply
The Rusk County Land Conservation Department administers the program under a contract with USDA – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) and Wisconsin DNR.
For additional information and requirements contact: APHIS Animal Damage Specialist, Seth Zesiger (715) 532-0944.