Marriage License

  1. Marriageable Age:
    Any person who has attained the age of 18 years may marry. If a person is between the ages of 16 years and 18 years, the license will be issued only with written consent of Parents, Guardian or Custodian. Consent forms are available in our office.
  2. Residence:
    Couples may obtain their marriage license from the county clerk in any Wisconsin county for marriages taking place in the state of Wisconsin. 
  3. Divorced Persons:
    person may not remarry until 6 months after the granting of the Judgment of Divorce regardless of where the action took place. Call our office for further information.
  4. Requirements:
    • Proof of where you have physically lived for the 30 days prior to application.
    • All applicants must present a Certified Birth Certificate
    • Copies of judgment of divorce, legal annulment papers, or death certificate from previous marriage must be presented. Divorced 6 months.
    • Name of township, village or city and county where you presently reside
    • Name of officiant, address and phone number
    • Municipality the ceremony will be taking place in (City, Village or Township - even if not in Rusk County)
    • Education (highest grade completed)
    • Social Security Numbers
  5. Required Application in Person:
    Both applicants must be present and sign before the County Clerk or Deputy when applying for license.
  6. Waiting Period:
    3-day waiting period is required by law, but may be waived for a good cause for an additional fee of $25.00.
  7. Expiration:
    The license is valid for 60 days after date of issuance and the marriage must be performed within that period.
  8. Ceremony:
    Any judge or ordained minister or priest may perform the ceremony. Please be sure to know the individuals name, address, and phone number at time of application.
  9. License Fee:
    $100.00 at time of application. 


Reminder Checklist of Required Information:

  • Certified birth certificate.
  • Proof of residence such as a current driver’s license, State ID card, etc.
  • Consent forms if under 18 years of age.
  • Death Certificate, Final Divorce Judgment (divorced six (6) months), or annulment certificate if previously married.
  • Know the full names of your parents.
  • Name, address & phone number of the officiant.
  • Municipality where the ceremony will be taking place (City, Village, or Township)


As Required by Chapter 765 Wisconsin Statutes.