Who to Contact….

Questions About……Who to Contact….(Click title for link)
Alterations to your shoreline or buffer Zoning Department – this page
Aquatic Plants/Algae WI DNR 
Boating/Fishing/Licensing WI DNR
Building/Remodeling Zoning Department (General) and Township
Camping on Private Property Zoning Department (General)
Choosing the Right Waterfront Property UWEX Lakes Program
Cutting Trees and Shrubs Zoning Department (Shoreland)
Dividing Land Zoning Department (Land Division)
Drinking Water Testing Public Health Department 
Driveways and Culverts Township or Highway Department
Erosion Land and Water Conservation Dept 
Fences Zoning Department or Township
Floodplain Zoning Department
Garages and Boathouses Zoning Department
Grading and Excavating Zoning Department
Healthy Lakes Grants Healthy Lakes 
Local Lake Association UWEX Lakes Program
Lot Line Locations Land Information/Surveyor
Piers and Docks WI DNR 
Protecting Your Waterfront Investment UWEX Lakes Program
Quiet Hours/Boat and jet ski use Township or Lake Association
Recycling Recycling Department
Septic Systems/Sanitary Requirements Zoning Department
Shoreline Buffer Restoration Land and Water Conservation Dept
Setbacks and Shoreline Protection Zoning Department
Wells WI DNR
Wetlands WI DNR
Yard Care Land and Water Conservation Dept