Indianhead Community Action Agency Board

Indianhead Community Action Agency is one of Wisconsin's 16 Community Action Agencies, and one of approximately 1,100 Community Action Agencies in the United States.

Community Action Agencies were founded by the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act to fight poverty by empowerment, as part of the War on Poverty. The 1964 Economic Opportunity Act created a number of anti-poverty programs, including: VISTA, Job Corps, Community Action Program, Head Start, Community Food and Nutrition Programs, and many others.

Indianhead Community Action Agency was created in 1966, with its corporate office in Ladysmith, covering five counties in Northwest Wisconsin: Burnett, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, and Washburn. Clark County was later added in 1986. Since 2010 Indianhead Community Action Agency is serving seventeen counties in Wisconsin with various programs. In February of 2011, Indianhead Community Action Agency moved its corporate office from an old creamery to a previous Convent in Ladysmith.

Our Vision
ICAA is a recognized leader for ending poverty and creating sustainable communities through self-sufficiency in Wisconsin's rural areas.

Our Mission
To assist individuals in achieving self-sufficiency by providing the resources, education and services necessary to develop healthy families, sustainable communities and strong local businesses.

Meeting Schedule: