Finance and Illegal Certificates Committee
The Finance Committee's primary responsibility is to supervise all financial matters of the county and control expenditures so they fall within the authorized budget's limitations.
Roles and responsibilities of the committee:
- Oversee all insurance and bond coverage within the county government, excluding health insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.
- Approve or reject any or all vouchers as submitted to the committee for approval at each meeting.
- Review the annual budget prior to presentation to the County Board for approval and provide guidance to the County Administrative Coordinator and Finance Director for budget development.
- Monitor reports provided by the County Administrative Coordinator and Finance Director regarding monthly budget compliance.
- Act as committee of jurisdiction for the following offices.
- County Administrator
- County Clerk
- County Treasurer
- Review and recommend budgets for the following areas:
- Contingency Fund
- Finance
- Debt Service
- Insurance
- Central Services
- Equipment & Capital Projects
- Act as responsible committee for investments of county monies pursuant to the Wisconsin State Statutes, §66.0603(2).
- Transfer contingent funds money not to exceed 10% of an authorized departmental budget pursuant to the Wisconsin State Statutes, §65.90(5)(b).
- Assign fund balance as required in GASB Statement No. 54.
- Review audit and financial reports for the governmental unit.
- Review, prior to County Board action, any resolution relating to the overall financial activities of Rusk County.
- Review resolutions as presented by Departments under its jurisdiction prior to presentation to the County Board.
- Serve as the committee of jurisdiction for all proposed resolutions not falling within the jurisdiction of any other standing committee of the Board.
- Perform other duties as required by resolution or County Board action.
- Review all claims against the County, excluding those assigned to another committee, and forward to the County Board with a recommendation for approval or denial.
Meeting Schedule: 3rd Thursday of each month