Environmental Health
Air Quality
Good air quality is important for human health and the environment.
Beach Water Testing
Beaches are sampled for the presence of E. coli bacteria throughout the swimming season from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Drinking Water
Many Wisconsin residents drink well water from federally unregulated sources. Regular maintenance of your well is required to ensure continued safety of your water and to monitor for the presence of any contaminants. Rusk County is a Certified Drinking Water Lab for bacteria testing for private wells, DNR Transient Non-Community wells and area municipal water systems.
Environmental Hazards
An environmental health hazard is a substance that has the ability to cause an adverse health event, such as radon, rabies, lead and mold.
Human Health Hazards
The environmental health program covers investigation and abatement of any environmental exposures that may affect of the health of the entire population, or even a single person.
Retail Food, Lodging and Recreational Licensing
As an agent for Wisconsin Department of of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), we manage the licensing and inspection program of all retail food, lodging and recreation facilities in Rusk County.