New Jail Project
This page will be our means of releasing information about the ongoing jail project through links and other relevant information.
Visit for more information.
The Ad Hoc Construction Committee was formed via Resolution #26-23 to oversee the design and construction of the jail project. Venture Architects and The Samuels Group will report to this Committee and this Committee will then report to the County Board. Additionally, this Committee has been tasked with overseeing the design and construction of a highway storage facility. Kueny Architects will report to this Committee and this Committee will then report to the County Board.
The Committee consists of five members: one member of the Emergency Services Committee, one member of the Property Committee, one member of the Finance Committee, the County Board Chair, and one at-large member.
This page will be our means of releasing information about the ongoing jail project through links and other relevant information.
Visit for more information.