Criminal Justice Collaborating Council

What is the Purpose of a CJCC?

  • Meet the entire system needs, not the individual agency
  • Devote time for planning to plan
  • Remain neutral, credible and stable
  • Provide for ongoing self-evaluation
  • Maintain independent functions of each agency
  • Encourage interagency communication and coordination
  • Alignment and Collaboration 

Why the need for a CJCC?

⇒By design, the criminal justice system is fragmented

  • No central authority manages it.
  • No one branch or level of government is responsible for the entire process
  • There is great dispersion of power among divergent forces.
  • Key participants may have diametrically opposed interest.  
  • Lack of collaboration can result in inefficient use of resources, system delays and decreased public safety  

Meeting Schedule

CJCC meets every fourth Thursday of the month at the Rusk County Law Enforcement Center from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.  The meeting is a public meeting and all are invited.